Learning factory reimbursement psu
Learning factory reimbursement psu

learning factory reimbursement psu

Īll Entries still present, now divided into Current, Chronic, and Old Tables. Please add responses using bullet points.

learning factory reimbursement psu

Please DATE your entries! And put them in alphabetical order in the appropriate sections. This will throw the table formatting off and give everyone a headache.ĭO NOT REFER TO ANYONE BY NAME Please make sure ALL information is factually correct BEFORE posting. Before you add your entry, please read this: ĭON'T use hard returns before your entry. I cannot take on this work at this time, however if anyone would like to volunteer to reformat the page, please leave me a message! - Una74 ( talk) 23:18, J(UTC) I would love to reorganize this page (and Universities to love) to keep all the posts but eliminate the tables and make it easier to add new contributions. They were set up a long time ago by the people who first started the wiki (not me!)-maybe they made sense at that time, but the page has outgrown them by now. I think these tables are a headache for people to edit and discourage participation. The table is so complicated, I am afraid, no one is going to post. Type your post, click "preview" and then "publish" if everything looks okay. Note how the other entries in the table are formatted (school department issue/date) as a guideline. Scroll down to the section where you want to add your post. Click the tab that says "Source." The page will resolve into html format but will still be legible. Note 2 tabs at the top of the Edit window ("Visual" and "Source"). Sometimes it is easier for negotiating the tables.

  • You can always try editing in "Source" mode.
  • At least on my computer, it is necessary to click the arrow next to the "Edit" button, and then click "Classic Editor" to make the instructions (i.e., right-click, "insert row after") work.
  • When I right click on the entry, I do not get an option that says "Row." Is there a way around this?
  • You can add a paragraph by holding Shift while pressing enter.
  • Fixed, please do not add extra paragraph breaks in the entries, this will mess up the table.
  • Is there a way to fix the line wrapping? The text is stretching out to infinity such that I have to scroll sideways several times to read a sentence. Finally, select Publish (the button on the far right of toolbar at the top of the Visual Editor) to add your entry to the page. Add your entry by filling in the cells in the new row that is created, but do not hit Enter or Return to add blank lines within the cells. Right click on that entry, and in the menu that comes up choose Row>Insert Row After. When the Visual Editor window opens, scroll down to the entry that will go before the one you are adding.
  • To add a row, select Edit (the blue button at the top of the page).
  • 5 Old Issues: Specific Problems with Searches or Departments from Dates Prior to 2010 (and any undated material).
  • 4 Chronic Issues: Schools or Departments with Problems Extending Well Beyond a Single Search.
  • 3 Recent Issues: Specific Problems with Departments or Searches that Occurred During AY 2010-2011 & 2011-12 Search Cycles.
  • 2.4 Please add responses using bullet points.
  • learning factory reimbursement psu

    2.3 Please DATE your entries! And put them in alphabetical order in the appropriate sections.2.2 Please make sure ALL information is factually correct BEFORE posting.Before you add your entry, please read this:

    Learning factory reimbursement psu